Easter means Resurrection for
[If you believe as I do; please share this post on
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Those of you who know me, or who have heard me
speak, read my book or other writings, or visited my web site
(www.GraceEvangel.org) know of my firm belief that God is in the process of
ultimately saving ALL mankind. I base this not on wishful thinking; but on a
careful study of the Bible which I am convinced is God’s revelation to us.
No; not the Bible that is used by most within the
church today; those dumbed-down easy-to-read translations that have done more
to corrupt God’s Word than to make it known to us. Nor do I give much credence
to the leaders within most churches of our day … which are “churches of man”
based more on tradition than on what God has revealed; and that are much
different than the one, true, invisible church that God has created … one that
requires no membership, nor creed, nor attendance. Satan (also known as the
“Deceiver”) has done a good job of infiltrating the churches of our day,
contaminating the Bible and the teachings of its leaders, to the point where
there is great confusion that reigns through many differing teachings within
the many different churches … with much error built-in to contaminate the truth.
And as a result the church and its teachings are responsible for the creation
of atheists who can see multitudes of fallacies and conflicts within the
church’s teachings.
If the Bible is correctly translated and correctly
taught and understood, we see God’s amazing plan to take this fallen, confused
world filled with wickedness and hate … and lead all mankind to the point where
ALL are reconciled with God. None will ultimately be lost. None are destined
for annihilation or endless torment in hell; for the Bible teaches neither (though
the churches of man teach a little of each).
Does this negate the work of Christ? Hardly! It magnifies
the work of Christ! Without Christ not a single one could be saved and
reconciled with God. But because of Christ not a single one will be lost.
Does this mean that anything goes and that there is
no such thing as sin or unacceptable behavior? Certainly not. There is an
accounting. But the consequences of sin are finite; and the disciplinary
correction of God is for a duration, and not endless.
Christ’s life, death and resurrection were
necessary. Sin will be addressed and there are consequences and discipline. But
at the end of the ages God’s plan will prevail, despite the opposition and stubbornness
of the worst of men.
Christ lived just as we live. He died just as we
will one day die. God raised Him from the dead just as He will one day raise us
from the dead. Christ’s life, death and resurrection are documented facts. The
implications of those events are monumental for all of us.
One day when God’s plan is completed all will be
restored and reconciled. We will be reunited with all loved ones who have gone
before. That is not wishful thinking or “hope” as man defines hope. It is a GUARANTEE
provided in God’s revelation to us all.
So as we live with this knowledge and expectation,
let us live a life that is worthy. Not what makes us feel good; but serving
others and serving God in all that we do … at work, at home, in our
neighborhood, at the grocery store … everywhere. Christ lives; and that means
everything to us as we consider what lies ahead.
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