Thursday, July 7, 2011

Old Testament Law Today

Are we to observe and obey the Old Testament Law today? Following is a great excerpt from "Unsearchable Riches" magazine, Volume 102, No. 2 (March 2011). This article was written by Jim Coram, and I reprint excerpts here with Jim's permission.

God’s law (i.e. the “law of the Lord”), given through Moses, is afforded a place in modern Christianity quite foreign to God’s purpose. It is not realized that the law was given to Israel (and to Israel alone) not to show what man can do but what he cannot do.

Nonetheless, many a modern movement seeks to promote the observance of the law even today. For most, the main idea seems to be that man is obliged to keep God’s “moral law,” which they take to be the Ten Commandments. While these particular precepts had a central place within the Mosaic system, it is altogether unscriptural to suggest that they comprise the essence of abiding morality, or that all who would be moral today must yield to their demands.

On account of the flesh, effectually speaking, the law was “infirm” (Romans 8:3); thus its precepts were “weak and without benefit; for the law perfects nothing” (Hebrews 7:18). Consequently, to be Israel, under law, does not bring blessing, but condemnation and death.

Believers today are not under the corpus of law given to Israel of old. God has not imposed these laws upon us, notwithstanding the excellence we may perceive in them or any supposition of our own as to their perceived appropriateness for our obedience today.

One may not “pick and choose” which of Moses’ precepts he will take to himself and which he will not, according to his own speculations and reasonings to the effect that certain of these laws have been “done away” while others yet remain. Intrinsically, the entire law – even in its most minute particular – was holy, just and good, even ideal; and the Israelite under law was required to heed it.

It is both false and foolish to claim that if we would be holy and do what is just and good, we must do what Moses declares.

Unsearchable Riches is published six times annually by Concordant Publishing Concern, 15570 Knochaven Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387 (661-252-2112).

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