Excerpts from Unsearchable Riches, Vol 102, No. 3 – May 2011
Many in the church today confuse things that pertain to different people groups. A failure to “rightly divide” the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15) results in a failure to correctly understand what God has revealed. Israel has been promised a future expectation upon the earth. But the body of Christ does not have an expectation upon the earth … it is instead in the heavens. The following excerpts come from two articles within the aforementioned volume of Unsearchable Riches magazine.
The expression, “the expectation [which is] reserved for you in the heavens” (Colossians 1:5), combined with the opening strain of the Ephesian epistle, “every spiritual blessing among the celestials” (Ephesians 1:3) is the crowning and concluding glory of the secret of the resurrection (cf 1 Corinthians 15:51). We have heard of a tryst with our Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), and of the change of our bodies from soilish to celestial (1 Corinthians 15:49-53), but until we come to Paul’s perfection epistles of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, we have heard nothing of the place for which such a body prepares us, nor of the company for which it fits us.
The city descends to them (Israel). We ascend to our allotment. But it was not until the present administration was fully revealed, after Israel’s temporary but definite setting aside, that Paul could come out clearly and make known the great truth that our future is not on earth but in the heavens, among the celestials. [Note: The temporary setting aside of Israel is discussed by Paul in Romans 11:25-26).
The prophets had made it plain that He will be Head over all the earth when Israel is redeemed. But they did not give the slightest hint that He would be Head of the universe when an elected group out of the nations will be glorified. This is the secret made known in the opening of Ephesians (1:9-12).
“How are the dead being roused, and with what body are they coming?” (1 Corinthians 15:35). The objector probably had no thought of heaven, but it furnished an opening for explaining the secret of 1 Corinthians 15:51, that those who received his ministry would not reappear as they had been in this life, but would enjoy a great and glorious transformation. … For Israel there is no need for much change except immunity from death. For the celestial saints, that is not enough.
Unsearchable Riches is published six times annually by Concordant Publishing Concern, 15570 Knochaven Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387 (661-252-2112).