Thursday, December 22, 2011


A call to repentance is found in many instances within the Scriptures. But it is interesting to note that even Christ Himself ceased to proclaim repentance after He was rejected. And even though the call to repentance was resumed again in Acts, we know the Kingdom was once again rejected (Acts 28:26-27).

A proclaiming of judgment is generally behind the call to repentance. And repentance is associated with the earthly aspect of the Kingdom, and is hardly mentioned at all except when the Kingdom to come upon the earth is proclaimed. And even when Paul calls for repentance, it is when the earthly Kingdom was still in view, before Israel was set aside (see Romans 11:25-26).

In Romans, Paul provides an exhaustive overview on the evangel (gospel), yet repentance is totally omitted, except when he notes how the goodness (not grace) of God ought to lead men to repentance, but it fails to do so (Romans 2:4).

Pardon can be withdrawn (Matthew 18:21-35), and many who repented as the Kingdom was proclaimed thereafter fell away. But in the present era we live under a different “administration” of God’s dealings with mankind. Presently God is not counting men’s offenses against them. He is beseeching men to receive the reconciliation effected by the death of His Son. Repentance is not associated in any way with this secret of the evangel as revealed through Paul. God asks nothing from man, but simply entreats men to accept the reconciliation that He has provided through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-20).

In the past, our Lord once said: “If thy brother repent, forgive him.” (Luke 17:3-4) This was a part of God’s administration for that time in the past. But now we are to imitate God in forgiving one another quite apart from any repentance on the part of our brothers.

Repentance is not necessary to faith in the gospel. Abraham believed God’s good news concerning the seed. This faith God reckoned to him for righteousness. Did Abraham repent? Good news can be believed without a prerequisite repentance.

In our day there is no mixture of judgment in the gospel, except that which Christ Himself bore and which is past. This is the plain teaching of Romans; “We shall be saved from wrath through Him” (Romans 5:9). Many today preach on all sorts of topics from sanitation to sanctification … always tinkering with man himself … when the gospel is “concerning His Son” (Romans 1:3). In short, we try to bring men to Christ, when God would have us bring Christ to men!

[Much of this content comes from an article in Unsearchable Riches magazine, volume 1 (1909-1910), page 285. Unsearchable Riches is still published bi-monthly by the Concordant Publishing Concern in Santa Clarita, CA. For in depth Scriptural exposition and study, there is no better publication available. The reader may want to consider purchasing a complete collection of all back issues, from the magazine’s inception in 1909 to the present day, as the content is superior to any college or seminary education that can be acquired.]

- Bob Evely -

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Raising Hell"

I just finished reading a book written by Julie Ferwerda entitled, "Raising Hell." This is a wonderful, well written exposition on the true gospel that is unknown by most within the traditional church today, where faith is typically placed in tradition and the teachings of "experts." Julie does a great job of sharing in an easy to read yet comprehensive fashion concerning God's plan to ultimately save all mankind. She addresses the erroneous teachings concerning eternal torment with a study based solely upon the Bible.

The book does an excellent job of touching on:

  • The problems of "orthodoxy," 
  • Discrepancies in Bible translations, 
  • The consequences of sin being finite in time (not eternal) and reformative (not destructive), 
  • False notions concerning "free" will, 
  • The parable of Lazarus & the Rich Man, 
  • Multitudes of other common misunderstandings in typical Bible studies. 

For anyone wanting to seriously study the Bible, and not just place their trust in their seminary trained pastors, teachers or scholars (i.e. the traditions of man) -- this is a must read!
[Note: The book is published by Vagabond Group and is available from Amazon.]

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Future Expectation of the Body of Christ

Excerpts from Unsearchable Riches, Vol 102, No. 3 – May 2011

Many in the church today confuse things that pertain to different people groups. A failure to “rightly divide” the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15) results in a failure to correctly understand what God has revealed. Israel has been promised a future expectation upon the earth. But the body of Christ does not have an expectation upon the earth … it is instead in the heavens. The following excerpts come from two articles within the aforementioned volume of Unsearchable Riches magazine.


The expression, “the expectation [which is] reserved for you in the heavens” (Colossians 1:5), combined with the opening strain of the Ephesian epistle, “every spiritual blessing among the celestials” (Ephesians 1:3) is the crowning and concluding glory of the secret of the resurrection (cf 1 Corinthians 15:51). We have heard of a tryst with our Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), and of the change of our bodies from soilish to celestial (1 Corinthians 15:49-53), but until we come to Paul’s perfection epistles of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, we have heard nothing of the place for which such a body prepares us, nor of the company for which it fits us.

The city descends to them (Israel). We ascend to our allotment. But it was not until the present administration was fully revealed, after Israel’s temporary but definite setting aside, that Paul could come out clearly and make known the great truth that our future is not on earth but in the heavens, among the celestials. [Note: The temporary setting aside of Israel is discussed by Paul in Romans 11:25-26).

The prophets had made it plain that He will be Head over all the earth when Israel is redeemed. But they did not give the slightest hint that He would be Head of the universe when an elected group out of the nations will be glorified. This is the secret made known in the opening of Ephesians (1:9-12).

“How are the dead being roused, and with what body are they coming?” (1 Corinthians 15:35). The objector probably had no thought of heaven, but it furnished an opening for explaining the secret of 1 Corinthians 15:51, that those who received his ministry would not reappear as they had been in this life, but would enjoy a great and glorious transformation. … For Israel there is no need for much change except immunity from death. For the celestial saints, that is not enough.

Unsearchable Riches is published six times annually by Concordant Publishing Concern, 15570 Knochaven Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387 (661-252-2112).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Believing is not a Mere Human Decision

Excerpts from an article by Jim Coram (from Unsearchable Riches, Vol 102, No. 2 – March 2011)

We who believe in what God has said are referred to as believers. We are a part of the body of Christ. We have been given assurances as to what lies ahead for us in the ages to come. But do we believe because we have made the free choice to do so? Are we therefore smarter than those who have heard the same gospel but do not believe? Consider these words from a recent article in Unsearchable Riches Magazine.

“Believing the evangel does not result from some sort of mere human decision, but from the powerful operations of God. “Faith” (or “faith[fullness],” cf Galatians 5:22) is a fruit of the spirit; not a “requirement” of salvation. It is “in the grace of God,” then, that we believe (cp 1 Corinthians 15:10,11), being “graciously granted … to be believing” on Christ (Philippians 1:29).

Thus “God parts to each” – that is, to each member of the ecclesia, which is to say, to each one whom He calls – “the measure of faith” which each one enjoys (Romans 12:3).”
Unsearchable Riches is published six times annually by Concordant Publishing Concern, 15570 Knochaven Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387 (661-252-2112).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Old Testament Law Today

Are we to observe and obey the Old Testament Law today? Following is a great excerpt from "Unsearchable Riches" magazine, Volume 102, No. 2 (March 2011). This article was written by Jim Coram, and I reprint excerpts here with Jim's permission.

God’s law (i.e. the “law of the Lord”), given through Moses, is afforded a place in modern Christianity quite foreign to God’s purpose. It is not realized that the law was given to Israel (and to Israel alone) not to show what man can do but what he cannot do.

Nonetheless, many a modern movement seeks to promote the observance of the law even today. For most, the main idea seems to be that man is obliged to keep God’s “moral law,” which they take to be the Ten Commandments. While these particular precepts had a central place within the Mosaic system, it is altogether unscriptural to suggest that they comprise the essence of abiding morality, or that all who would be moral today must yield to their demands.

On account of the flesh, effectually speaking, the law was “infirm” (Romans 8:3); thus its precepts were “weak and without benefit; for the law perfects nothing” (Hebrews 7:18). Consequently, to be Israel, under law, does not bring blessing, but condemnation and death.

Believers today are not under the corpus of law given to Israel of old. God has not imposed these laws upon us, notwithstanding the excellence we may perceive in them or any supposition of our own as to their perceived appropriateness for our obedience today.

One may not “pick and choose” which of Moses’ precepts he will take to himself and which he will not, according to his own speculations and reasonings to the effect that certain of these laws have been “done away” while others yet remain. Intrinsically, the entire law – even in its most minute particular – was holy, just and good, even ideal; and the Israelite under law was required to heed it.

It is both false and foolish to claim that if we would be holy and do what is just and good, we must do what Moses declares.

Unsearchable Riches is published six times annually by Concordant Publishing Concern, 15570 Knochaven Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387 (661-252-2112).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Letter From Hell

I just watch a YouTube link that was passed to me entitled “Letter From Hell.” This was supposedly produced as an evangelism tool to equip young people to witness their faith to others. It is absolutely horrendous; and blasphemous toward God. Unfortunately it is the message that is generally taught (albeit not so blatantly) in most organized churches today.

We read that it is God’s will that all mankind be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). We read that God is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11). We read that as in Adam all are dying, thus also in Christ will all be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

If God is love; then how could He be content to have a vast number of His creation being tormented endlessly in hell?

If God is all-wise; then how could He not know how to lead (not force; but lead) every last one of His creation to salvation?

If God is all-powerful; then how is it He could allow Satan or rebellious mankind to defeat His desire to save all mankind?

If God is to become All in all (1 Corinthians 15:28) how is it there could be some of His creation still alienated from Him; being tortured endlessly?

Is God not love? Is He not all-wise? Is He not all-powerful?

Some will point to the fact that He is just; and cannot condone sin. This is true; but God does know how to address sin, and use discipline to bring correction. God is just, but do most within the organized church understand what justice is? If a man or woman remains rebellious for the short time they spend on this earth (typically less than 100 years), then how does justice demand a punishment that goes on infinitely? This makes no sense. And it is not true.

Satan, the Deceiver, has hi-jacked the church. This has, in turn, hi-jacked our Bible translations which seem, at some points, to teach of an eternal torment for some. But if one uses a concordance to study each word, instead of trusting the various Bible translators or listening to our so-called Bible scholars and experts, it is crystal clear that God is in the process of bringing total reconciliation to this universe. That is Christ’s purpose; to bring all into subjection to God and to defeat all enemies, the last being death.

We will not find these Biblical truths within the organized church. Before the end of the apostle Paul’s life, nearly all had abandoned him. The church even when Paul lived was in apostasy, having turned away from the gospel that Paul was commissioned to bring. At what point in history did the organized church overcome that apostasy?

Sadly, the organized church teaches what it does not really know; and God’s wonderful plan to overcome all evil, bring all things into subjection to Him, and to reconcile every last part of creation to Himself, is hidden.

Study God’s Word for yourself. Think for yourself. And you will see that God is about the business of saving all mankind … every last one.

[If you wish to comment, please email me I will try to address all reasonable questions and comments in a subsequent blog. And please visit us at Grace Evangel.