“… The foolish people
have blasphemed Your name”
(Psalms 74:18).
Religion’s “God” tells us to
love our enemies, while he tortures his for eternity.
Religion’s “God” tells us not
to be overcome of evil, but to overcome evil with good, while he himself does
not overcome evil with good.
Religion’s “God” tells us to
forgive others 70 x 7, while he leaves most of his creation unforgiven.
Religion’s “God” tells us
that love never fails, while his fails to win back the majority of his
Religion’s “God” tells us
that Christ is the propitiation “for the sins of the whole world,”
while holding the world’s sins against them.
Religion’s “God” tells us
that he is the “Savior of all men” and then does not actually save all
Religion’s “God” tells us
that the wages of sin is death, while changing it to be eternal conscious
Religion’s “God” tells us
that the payment for sin is eternal conscious torment, and that Christ made the
payment for sin, but it was not eternal conscious torment.
Religion’s “God” tells us
that he will be “All in all,” while he will actually only be “All in
Religion’s “God” will somehow
“reconcile all things unto Himself,” while leaving most of his
creation unreconciled.
There is something wrong with
religion’s “God!”
[Those wishing to learn more about Clyde's newsletter and other writings can contact him at Pilkington & Sons, P O Box 265, Windber, PA 15963.]