Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Letter From Hell

I just watch a YouTube link that was passed to me entitled “Letter From Hell.” This was supposedly produced as an evangelism tool to equip young people to witness their faith to others. It is absolutely horrendous; and blasphemous toward God. Unfortunately it is the message that is generally taught (albeit not so blatantly) in most organized churches today.

We read that it is God’s will that all mankind be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). We read that God is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11). We read that as in Adam all are dying, thus also in Christ will all be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

If God is love; then how could He be content to have a vast number of His creation being tormented endlessly in hell?

If God is all-wise; then how could He not know how to lead (not force; but lead) every last one of His creation to salvation?

If God is all-powerful; then how is it He could allow Satan or rebellious mankind to defeat His desire to save all mankind?

If God is to become All in all (1 Corinthians 15:28) how is it there could be some of His creation still alienated from Him; being tortured endlessly?

Is God not love? Is He not all-wise? Is He not all-powerful?

Some will point to the fact that He is just; and cannot condone sin. This is true; but God does know how to address sin, and use discipline to bring correction. God is just, but do most within the organized church understand what justice is? If a man or woman remains rebellious for the short time they spend on this earth (typically less than 100 years), then how does justice demand a punishment that goes on infinitely? This makes no sense. And it is not true.

Satan, the Deceiver, has hi-jacked the church. This has, in turn, hi-jacked our Bible translations which seem, at some points, to teach of an eternal torment for some. But if one uses a concordance to study each word, instead of trusting the various Bible translators or listening to our so-called Bible scholars and experts, it is crystal clear that God is in the process of bringing total reconciliation to this universe. That is Christ’s purpose; to bring all into subjection to God and to defeat all enemies, the last being death.

We will not find these Biblical truths within the organized church. Before the end of the apostle Paul’s life, nearly all had abandoned him. The church even when Paul lived was in apostasy, having turned away from the gospel that Paul was commissioned to bring. At what point in history did the organized church overcome that apostasy?

Sadly, the organized church teaches what it does not really know; and God’s wonderful plan to overcome all evil, bring all things into subjection to Him, and to reconcile every last part of creation to Himself, is hidden.

Study God’s Word for yourself. Think for yourself. And you will see that God is about the business of saving all mankind … every last one.

[If you wish to comment, please email me I will try to address all reasonable questions and comments in a subsequent blog. And please visit us at Grace Evangel.