A call to repentance is found in many instances within the Scriptures. But it is interesting to note that even Christ Himself ceased to proclaim repentance after He was rejected. And even though the call to repentance was resumed again in Acts, we know the Kingdom was once again rejected (Acts 28:26-27).
A proclaiming of judgment is generally behind the call to repentance. And repentance is associated with the earthly aspect of the Kingdom, and is hardly mentioned at all except when the Kingdom to come upon the earth is proclaimed. And even when Paul calls for repentance, it is when the earthly Kingdom was still in view, before Israel was set aside (see Romans 11:25-26).
In Romans, Paul provides an exhaustive overview on the evangel (gospel), yet repentance is totally omitted, except when he notes how the goodness (not grace) of God ought to lead men to repentance, but it fails to do so (Romans 2:4).
Pardon can be withdrawn (Matthew 18:21-35), and many who repented as the Kingdom was proclaimed thereafter fell away. But in the present era we live under a different “administration” of God’s dealings with mankind. Presently God is not counting men’s offenses against them. He is beseeching men to receive the reconciliation effected by the death of His Son. Repentance is not associated in any way with this secret of the evangel as revealed through Paul. God asks nothing from man, but simply entreats men to accept the reconciliation that He has provided through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-20).
In the past, our Lord once said: “If thy brother repent, forgive him.” (Luke 17:3-4) This was a part of God’s administration for that time in the past. But now we are to imitate God in forgiving one another quite apart from any repentance on the part of our brothers.
Repentance is not necessary to faith in the gospel. Abraham believed God’s good news concerning the seed. This faith God reckoned to him for righteousness. Did Abraham repent? Good news can be believed without a prerequisite repentance.
In our day there is no mixture of judgment in the gospel, except that which Christ Himself bore and which is past. This is the plain teaching of Romans; “We shall be saved from wrath through Him” (Romans 5:9). Many today preach on all sorts of topics from sanitation to sanctification … always tinkering with man himself … when the gospel is “concerning His Son” (Romans 1:3). In short, we try to bring men to Christ, when God would have us bring Christ to men!
[Much of this content comes from an article in Unsearchable Riches magazine, volume 1 (1909-1910), page 285. Unsearchable Riches is still published bi-monthly by the Concordant Publishing Concern in Santa Clarita, CA. For in depth Scriptural exposition and study, there is no better publication available. The reader may want to consider purchasing a complete collection of all back issues, from the magazine’s inception in 1909 to the present day, as the content is superior to any college or seminary education that can be acquired.]
- Bob Evely -